Museum Quality Amethyst Reverse Geode
Museum Quality Amethyst Reverse Geode
This is the "baby sister" to the specimen that went to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science in 2022.
I call it the "fishbowl", as it is about half of the size of one. Once in a lifetime specimen!
It was priced at $4900 at the 2022 Denver Show. CASH & LOCAL PICKUP PRICE IS $4,000
It is called a "reverse geode", because instead of the termination facing inward (like a geode), they face OUTWARD!
This Fluorite is UV reactive at 375nm (mid-long wave UV).
From the Humming Bird Mine, Nancy Hanks Gulch District, Mesa County, Colorado, USA
Size: 1335 mm x 1409 mm x 1419 mm
Weight: 1650 grams - 2.555 pounds
This ships in a HARD container - I will discount this $200 for local pickup!
You are buying direct from the mine and the miners who dig these specimens!
Your purchase goes directly to the operation and development of our mine - Thanks!